Autoplay Show Thumbnails Show Captions Affordable Care Act marketplace health insurance plans — in part, because the Trump administration’s position on the ACA marketplace isn’t “in line with our mission.” The nonprofit previously used federal grant money for the Get Covered Tennessee Collaborative — last year, in the amount of […]
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan faces a $105 million payment cut based on the Trump administration’s announcement last week that it has frozen the program that transfers money from health insurers with healthy patients to those that have sicker and more expensive members. While bad news for the Blues, […]
The Trump administration’s decision last week to slash funding to nonprofit groups that help Americans buy individual health insurance coverage sparked outrage from advocates of the Affordable Care Act. Using words like “immoral” and “cold-hearted,” they saw it as the Republicans’ latest act of sabotage against the sweeping health law. […]
Average small group insurance rates are projected to drop by 0.2 percent for 2019, while individual market rates on the Obamacare exchange average only a 1.4 percent proposed rate increase, according to the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services. Despite uncertainty in the insurance markets because the Trump administration […]