Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (HIIQ) Trades at $32.70 After Triangle; Aercap Holdings NV (AER) Sentiment Is 1.12

July 15, 2018 – By Jacob Reddy

AerCap Holdings N.V. (NYSE:AER) Logo

Aercap Holdings NV (AER) investors sentiment decreased to 1.12 in Q1 2018. It’s down -0.10, from 1.22 in 2017Q4. The ratio has dropped, as 140 investment professionals increased and opened new holdings, while 125 sold and decreased equity positions in Aercap Holdings NV. The investment professionals in our database now possess: 127.53 million shares, down from 129.93 million shares in 2017Q4. Also, the number of investment professionals holding Aercap Holdings NV in top ten holdings decreased from 14 to 13 for a decrease of 1. Sold All: 32 Reduced: 93 Increased: 109 New Position: 31.

Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (HIIQ) formed triangle with $31.72 target or 3.00% below today’s $32.70 share price. Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (HIIQ) has $577.99M valuation. The stock decreased 1.51% or $0.5 during the last trading session, reaching $32.7. About 198,539 shares traded. Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIIQ) has risen 44.10% since July 15, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 31.53% the S&P500. Some Historical HIIQ News: 14/05/2018 – P2 Capital Partners, LLC, Affiliates Report Stake In Health Insur Innovations; 02/05/2018 – Health Insur Innovations 1Q Net $4.15; 20/04/2018 – DJ Health Insurance Innovations Inc , Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (HIIQ); 14/03/2018 – Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP is Investigating Derivative Claims on Behalf of Shareholders of Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (HIIQ); 17/05/2018 – Health Insurance Innovations Presenting at Conference May 24; 02/05/2018 – Health Insur Innovations Backs 2018 Adj EPS $2.45-Adj EPS $2.55; 14/03/2018 – Public Awareness Of Short-Term Health Increases Dramatically; 08/03/2018 Health Insurance Innovations at Company Marketing Hosted By FBR; 24/04/2018 – Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP is Investigating Derivative Claims on Behalf of Shareholders of Health Insurance Innovations, Inc; 10/05/2018 – Tieton Capital Buys Into Health Insurance Innovations Class A

Donald Smith & Co. Inc. holds 10.64% of its portfolio in AerCap Holdings N.V. for 7.86 million shares. Greenlight Capital Inc owns 6.55 million shares or 8.33% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Raffles Associates Lp has 6.4% invested in the company for 117,723 shares. The Texas-based Centaur Capital Partners L.P. has invested 5.73% in the stock. Cambiar Investors Llc, a Colorado-based fund reported 6.96 million shares.

AerCap Holdings N.V., an independent aircraft leasing company, engages in the lease, financing, sale, and management of commercial aircraft and engines in China, the United States, Ireland, and internationally. The company has market cap of $8.09 billion. The firm provides aircraft asset management services, including remarketing aircraft; collecting rental and maintenance rent payments, monitoring aircraft maintenance, monitoring and enforcing contract compliance, and accepting delivery and redelivery of aircraft; and conducting ongoing lessee financial performance reviews. It has a 8.23 P/E ratio. The Company’s aircraft asset management services also comprise periodically inspecting the leased aircraft; coordinating technical modifications to aircraft to meet new lessee requirements; conducting restructurings negotiations in connection with lease defaults; repossessing aircraft; arranging and monitoring insurance coverage; registering and de-registering aircraft; arranging for aircraft and aircraft engine valuations; and providing market research services.

The stock increased 0.07% or $0.04 during the last trading session, reaching $54.95. About 610,471 shares traded. AerCap Holdings N.V. (AER) has risen 22.94% since July 15, 2017 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 10.37% the S&P500. Some Historical AER News: 28/03/2018 – AERCAP BOOSTS UNSECURED REVOLVING CREDIT LINE FROM $0.60B; 10/04/2018 – AerCap Holdings at Cowen Transportation Conference May 8; 17/05/2018 – AerCap Holdings Favored by 7 Hedge Funds, 13Fs Show; 31/05/2018 – Analysis: Positioning to Benefit within Avadel Pharmaceuticals, Abeona Therapeutics, BanColombia S.A, Aercap Holdings N.V, Kite; 05/04/2018 – AerCap Leased, Purchased and Sold 114 Aircraft in the First Quarter 2018; 23/03/2018 – Barings Alternative Investments Expands Aviation Investment Platform Through Partnership with Genesis Aircraft Services; 07/05/2018 – AERCAP HOLDINGS NV AER.N : CITIGROUP RAISES TARGET PRICE TO $60 FROM $57; 04/04/2018 – AerCap Holdings Closes Above 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 02/04/2018 – SPIRIT AIRLINES – ENTERED INTO AIRCRAFT SALE AGREEMENT TO BUY FOURTEEN A319-100 AIRCRAFT UNDER OPERATING LEASES FROM AERCAP GLOBAL AVIATION TRUST; 07/05/2018 – AerCap Holdings at Cowen Transportation Conference Tomorrow

Analysts await AerCap Holdings N.V. (NYSE:AER) to report earnings on August, 2. They expect $1.46 earnings per share, down 12.57% or $0.21 from last year’s $1.67 per share. AER’s profit will be $214.84M for 9.41 P/E if the $1.46 EPS becomes a reality. After $1.72 actual earnings per share reported by AerCap Holdings N.V. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -15.12% negative EPS growth.

Among 8 analysts covering Health Insurance Innovations (NASDAQ:HIIQ), 8 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 0 Hold. Therefore 100% are positive. Health Insurance Innovations has $60.0 highest and $38.0 lowest target. $47.14’s average target is 44.16% above currents $32.7 stock price. Health Insurance Innovations had 18 analyst reports since January 26, 2018 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Thursday, May 3 by Lake Street. On Thursday, May 3 the stock rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity with “Buy”. Canaccord Genuity maintained Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIIQ) rating on Friday, January 26. Canaccord Genuity has “Buy” rating and $39.0 target. Cantor Fitzgerald maintained Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIIQ) rating on Wednesday, February 14. Cantor Fitzgerald has “Buy” rating and $38.0 target. The rating was upgraded by Raymond James to “Outperform” on Thursday, March 1. The company was maintained on Thursday, March 1 by Craig Hallum. Cantor Fitzgerald maintained the stock with “Buy” rating in Thursday, March 1 report. Canaccord Genuity maintained it with “Buy” rating and $39.0 target in Thursday, February 15 report. The firm has “Buy” rating by FBR Capital given on Monday, February 12. The stock has “Buy” rating by Cantor Fitzgerald on Tuesday, February 20.

Analysts await Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIIQ) to report earnings on August, 1. They expect $0.53 earnings per share, up 15.22% or $0.07 from last year’s $0.46 per share. HIIQ’s profit will be $9.37M for 15.42 P/E if the $0.53 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.36 actual earnings per share reported by Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 47.22% EPS growth.

Investors sentiment increased to 1.32 in Q1 2018. Its up 0.37, from 0.95 in 2017Q4. It increased, as 10 investors sold Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. shares while 34 reduced holdings. 32 funds opened positions while 26 raised stakes. 11.01 million shares or 4.00% more from 10.59 million shares in 2017Q4 were reported. American Century reported 11,079 shares. Millennium Mgmt Limited Liability reported 369,959 shares. The New York-based Goldman Sachs Gru Incorporated has invested 0% in Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIIQ). Aqr Management Ltd Liability Corp has 0.01% invested in Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIIQ) for 194,736 shares. Granite Point Cap Management L P owns 25,000 shares for 0.07% of their portfolio. State Board Of Administration Of Florida Retirement Systems owns 13,342 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Mackenzie Finance reported 73,838 shares stake. 54,104 were accumulated by Panagora Asset Mngmt. 13,300 were reported by Alphamark Advsr Limited Co. Meeder Asset Management invested in 0% or 382 shares. 683 Management Ltd Llc holds 0.13% or 50,000 shares. Art Advisors Ltd Limited Liability Company, New York-based fund reported 43,580 shares. Alps Advisors reported 0% stake. 350,000 were reported by Harvest Cap Strategies Limited Co. 2,582 are held by Old Second Comml Bank Of Aurora.

Since January 25, 2018, it had 2 insider buys, and 5 insider sales for $43.26 million activity. On Thursday, February 15 the insider Wang Sheldon sold $914,750. FICHTHORN JOHN bought $133,223 worth of stock or 5,000 shares. $360,799 worth of Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIIQ) was sold by Telkamp Bruce on Thursday, March 29. $40.30M worth of stock was sold by Kosloske Michael W on Thursday, June 7. Another trade for 3,597 shares valued at $99,439 was made by BARKETT ANTHONY on Tuesday, May 8.

Health Insurance Innovations, Inc. (NASDAQ:HIIQ) Institutional Positions Chart

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